The Art of Lock Picking

Leave Lock Picking To Experts

Lock picking is one of the most common methods used be illegal entrants into premises. It’s not just in the movies and on television though – lock picking is a very real practice if one understands a little about the mechanics of locks and keys. When you ask a locksmith for professional lock picking, you will obtain a safe and legal service that doesn’t damage any of the lock’s component parts.

Cylinder locks are the most widespread type of lock.  Most deadbolts use cylinder locks.  Deadbolts are effective because they have no spring mechanism – this is the part of the cylinder that moves the deadbolt backwards and forwards. A deadbolt is more secure than a spring-driven latch lock and therefore harder to pick, but of course it is still possible to accomplish.

The main difference in lock design is the “puzzle” element inside a cylinder lock. Only the correct key can solve the “puzzle” of each lock, unless it is successfully picked. The most straightforward design that can be picked is the pin-and-tumbler design. As such, if you are installing new locks and are looking for an upgrade, avoid locks with a basic pin-and-tumbler design. Even by entering an incorrect key, the nature of these locks means that the series of notices inside it move enough for a couple of tools – namely, a pick and tension wrench- to finish the job off.

However, lock picking is a fairly precise art so do not be unduly alarmed that anyone can do it. Locksmiths must master the exact amount of pressure that must be applied in order for a lock to be opened using the lock picking method, so for thieves and other opportunistic lock pickers, the practice of successfully picking a lock quickly and without attracting undue attention is hard more difficult.